In a quaint village nestled among rolling hills, there lived a family who cherished their grandmother’s traditional recipes. Grandma Rose was renowned for her culinary skills, passed down through generations, and every dish she cooked was a labor of love. One chilly evening, as the scent of spices wafted through the cozy kitchen, Grandma Rose decided to prepare a comforting meal for her family: Keto Stuffed Cabbage Rolls. Little did they know, this dish would not only warm their hearts but also nourish their bodies with its wholesome ingredients and rich flavors.
And now, here’s the recipe:
- 1 large cabbage head
- 1 pound ground beef (or ground turkey for a lighter option)
- 1/2 onion, finely chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 cup riced cauliflower
- 1/4 cup tomato paste
- 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1 cup sugar-free marinara sauce
- Fresh parsley, for garnish